About the Hillsboro City Library
To connect our roots to the future by inspiring and empowering everyone.
Core Values:
Customer Service
​ We value providing quality assistance in a friendly, caring manner.
We value providing service in structured ways that reflect our training, knowledge and experience.
We value the community's awareness of the library and know it equates to strong support.
We value everyone as every one matters here.
Historical Significance
We value our history and are stewards of that history.
We value and trust each other to work together to get the job done with humor and respect.

Library Staff
Justin Dyer
Library Director
Callie Pittman
Programming & Outreach Librarian
Amy Tinney
Circulation Manager
Trena Pustejovsky
Circulation Clerk
Russell Keelin
Assistant Library Director
Michelle Goldman
Youth Services Librarian
Stephanie Harris
Circulation Clerk