
History of the Garden
This lovely perennial garden, located on the south side of the building, was made possible in 2016 by the Friends of the Hillsboro City Library through a generous grant by the George G. and Alva Hudson Smith Foundation.

The library's garden features benches, statuary, a fountain, plant name identifiers, and tons of photo opportunities. Feel free to visit any time and enjoy the foliage. More features are planned for the garden in the future, so check back for updates!

Flora & Fauna
The library's garden is home to a wide variety of heat tolerant, perennial plant species. You will find Texas Star Hibiscus, Crepe Myrtles, Lantanas, Mexican Bush Sage, Knockout Roses and more in this piece of downtown paradise. Visitors may also find hummingbirds, butterflies, and other fauna in the library's garden.