Wi-Fi Hotspots
The Hillsboro City Library has 20 Wi-Fi Hotspots available for checkout to library patrons.
Who Can Check out a Hotspot?
Patrons who have had a library card for at least three (3) months.
Patrons whose library cards are in good standing. (I.E. No fines, over due items, missing items etc...)
Patrons 18 or over. (Children may check out a hotspot on a parent's card.)
Patrons must sign and agree to the Hillsboro City Library Hotspot Lending Policy
Hotspot Rules
Patrons must sign the Hotspot Lending Policy
Hotspots may be checked out for a period of two (2) weeks.
Hotspots MUST be returned at the Circulation Desk. NOT through the book drop.
If a Hotsot is returned through the book drop, a $2.00 penalty will be applied to your account.
If a hotspot is 24 hours overdue, service to the device will be stopped and a $1.00 a day penalty up to the cost of the device, $124.95, will be added to the patrons account.