Hillsboro City Library Policies
A hard copy of these policies is available at the library's circulation desk.
Collection Development Policy
This collection development policy is to assist those in charge of collection development at the Hillsboro City Library (HCL) in accurately spending public and gift funds in the process of selecting materials for library users. This policy also serves to inform interested community members on HCL’s approach to collection management. The purpose of the library’s collection is to:
Provide timely information on local, national and global issues
Entertain people of all ages
Empower users to become lifelong learners
Promote learning and creativity
The Hillsboro City Library is a department within and is funded by the City of Hillsboro, Texas. Hillsboro has a diverse and broad demographic. As such, HCL recognizes and focuses all collection development practices to meet the needs of the residents of Hillsboro. Due to this diversity, library collections will provide access to a broad range of opinions on current issues. The selection of a given item for the library’s collections should not be interpreted as an endorsement of a particular viewpoint.
Book Selection Criteria
To build a collection of merit, materials are evaluated according to one or more of the following standards. An item need not meet all of these criteria in order to be acceptable.
In the selection of library materials, The Hillsboro City Library refers to the following guidelines:
ALA Code of Ethics: https://www.ala.org/tools/ethics
ALA Freedom to Read Statement: https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/freedomreadstatement
Library Bill of Rights: https://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill Texas Public Library Standards: https://www.tsl.texas.gov/plstandards/index.html as outlined by the Texas Library Association in partnership with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
It is the purpose of the Hillsboro City Library to select books and materials with which to provide a general circulation and reference service book collection to meet the needs of adults, young adults, and children of this community.
Minors: The library does not stand in loco parentis. Parents and guardians, not the library, have the right and responsibility to guide and direct the reading, listening, viewing, and internet browsing choices of their minor children.
One or more of the following standards will be applied in selecting the materials best suited to the Hillsboro City Library:
General Criteria
Present and potential relevance to community needs
Suitability of subject and style for intended audience
Materials reviewed in professional journals
Importance as a document of the times
Relation to the existing collection and to other materials on the subject
Suitability of format for library use
Potential user appeal
Requests by library patrons
Content Criteria
Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment
Skill, competence, and purpose of the author
Reputation and significance of the author
Technical quality
Authenticity of history or social setting
Consideration of the work as a whole
Representation of diverse points of view
Representation of important movements, genres, or trends
Effective characterization
Relevance and use of the information
Sustained interest
Vitality and originality
Artistic presentation and/or experimentation
Collection Maintenance
The Hillsboro City Library continuously evaluates library materials and views this practice as an integral part of its collection development process. The collection housed by HCL is continuously evolving to meet the information needs of community members. In order to meet the ever-changing needs of the community, it may be necessary to remove materials that are lost, damaged, outdated, or no longer relevant to the community. This process is essential to maintaining a quality library collection. Items dealing with local history are an exception, as are certain classics and award-winning children's books. The evaluation process at HCL is guided by community need, availability of space, and the library’s mission and vision statements. In the event that a material needs to be removed from the library’s collection, staff will utilize the CREW (Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding) Method – as outlined in CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries, available at https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ld/pubs/crew/index.html - as a guide.
Gifts to Collection
The library is grateful for gifts, and its collection has been greatly enriched by many donations of books, art objects, and other items which it would otherwise not have been able to afford. However, in accepting a gift, the library reserves the right and privilege of deciding whether it should be added to its collection.
The library will make an effort to dispose of all gift materials which it does not add to its own collection to the very best advantage.
If the donor wishes the material which is not added returned to them, they may so state, and leave their contact information so that they may be notified. The items must be retrieved within two weeks of notification.
Digital Content
The Hillsboro City Library provides access to books, audiobooks, graphic novels, magazines, movies and databases in a digital format. The library utilizes the same selection criteria for digital materials as it does physical items.
In order to be good stewards of the library’s budget, while providing access to the largest number of digital materials possible, the library may be a member of a consortium or pay a subscription service to a content provider. Providing access to an electronic resource is not the same as ownership of a physical item. The Library cannot control the content of the databases, consortia, or content providers to which it subscribes or that of the web sites to which it links, whether directly or indirectly. Since the Internet is constantly changing, access to these sites and databases is provided by the Library with the understanding that their content or format may have changed after selection and may no longer align with the library’s collection development policy.
Determining the accuracy or authenticity of electronic information may present special problems. Some information accessed electronically may not meet the library’s selection or collection development policy. It is, therefore, left to the patrons to determine what electronic information is appropriate to their needs.
Genealogy Collection
The mission of the Hillsboro City Library Archives & Genealogy Department is to collect, describe, preserve, and make available enduring records of the Hill County Genealogical Society and the local community, as well as primary source materials with enduring historical value for the study, teaching and research needs of the community.
Hillsboro City Library Archives & Genealogy Department welcomes gifts of books and archival materials that fall within the scope of its collecting activities, that will enhance the strengths of its collections, and that support Hillsboro City Library’s mission and goals of preserving local and family history and fall within the guidelines of the library’s Collection Development Policy. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that, once received, they are owned by the Hillsboro City Library Archives & Genealogy Department. Hillsboro City Library reserves the right to determine their retention, location, cataloging treatment and other considerations related to their use or disposition.
Materials with restrictions on access or use will generally not be accepted; in some cases, materials of great research value with clearly stated restrictions of limited duration will be considered. Photocopies or scans of manuscript or other original materials are generally not accepted. Individual leaves offered from multi-leaved manuscripts will be reviewed carefully and decisions made on a case-by-case basis.
Hillsboro City Library reserves the right to duplicate, digitize, and make copies for the purposes of preservation, regardless of the copyright status of the item(s).
Hillsboro City Library is unable to collect items where resources do not allow us to meet the collection’s space requirements or preservation needs.
Persons interested in donation materials to the Hillsboro City Library Archives and Genealogy Department must sign the department’s Deed of Gift/Donation Form.
Challenged Materials Process
Only current Hillsboro residents, with an active library card, may request removal or relocation of items from the collection through the Request for Reconsideration of Materials form.
Library card holders who desire to submit a “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form” may get the form from library staff at the circulation desk. No material will be removed from circulation until the following due process has been completed.
The form, along with the material in question, must be returned to the Library Director or an assigned designee who will review the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. A questioned item will be considered through the lens of the library’s Collection Development Policy and objectively, in its entirety, not judged solely on portions taken out of context. A response to the request will be provided by the Library Director.
If the card holder is not satisfied with the Director’s decision, they may request, in writing, the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Material Form” be sent to the Library Board of Trustees. Library Board of Trustees will review the Request for Reconsideration of Library Material Form at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Library Director, Board Chair, or other library representative, will notify the patron of the action of the Board, if any. Upon request, in writing, a patron requesting the reconsideration of library materials will then be given an opportunity to meet with the Library Board.
After a decision is made, the Library will not review subsequent requests for reconsiderations for the same material for a period of three years.
Policy Review
The collection development policy shall be reviewed annually by the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees.
Safe Child Policy
For everyone’s safety, children should never be left unsupervised in any area of the library. During library programs, children may attend on their own, but a parent/caregiver must remain in the library building or the facility where the library event is taking place. If children are left unattended, staff may contact the proper authorities.
Photography Notice
The Hillsboro City Library routinely takes photos and video of participants and visitors during programs and facilities for promotional purposes. Be aware that by participating or utilizing our facilities, you are granting the City of Hillsboro and its agents the right to use and publish your image or your minor child’s image, and that no monetary remuneration will be given.
If a library user does not wish for themselves or their children to be photographed, the user must notify library staff to that effect at the time of the event.
Members of the public are welcome to take photographs and videos while in the library. However, filming and photography must not disrupt other library visitor’s regular use of the library facility.
Loan Periods
Library Card Policy
Library Cards
Library cards at the Hillsboro City Library are free for everyone.
Patrons may check out up to ten (10) items for a period of fourteen (14) days.
New members may check out three (3) items for a period of fourteen (14) days. Once the original three items are returned, new members are able to check out the full ten items.
A library card also grants access to the library’s electronic databases, e-book, and
e-audiobook collections. Lending periods and checkout limits depend on the platform being used.
Interested persons may get a Hillsboro City Library card beginning at birth.
What is needed to get a library card:
In order to get a library card, the library requires proof of address. This can be in the form of a Texas state ID card or driver's license, a water bill, passport, insurance card, or any other official paperwork with your name and address on it.
Where do I get a library card:
Adults wishing to get a Hillsboro City Library card may apply in person at the Circulation Desk, or online at hillsborotxlibrary.org. Adults must present proof of address in order to receive a library card.
Children wishing to get a Hillsboro City Library card must have a parent or guardian apply for them at the Circulation Desk, or online at hillsborotxlibrary.org. Parents or guardians must present proof of address in order for their child to receive a library card.
Persons seeking a library card must agree to abide by the Library Card Terms and Conditions, which are outlined below.
Lost Library Card:
Replacement cards are available for $3.00.
Library Card Terms & Conditions:​
The undersigned assumes all responsibility for materials borrowed with the card being issued, and for all charges, policies, and rules associated with its usage.
Cards may not be transferred.
Card requires renewal on a yearly basis (365 days from date of issuance).
Promptly report/update any changes in name, address, or contact information.
Immediately report a lost/stolen card to avoid liability for unauthorized usage and any resulting charges/fees.
Cards sharing an address are required to share fines and any account locks resulting from significant fines, lost/damaged items, or other problems.
It is the responsibility of each parent or guardian to be aware of the materials checked out by their children.
The library will not try to persuade or prevent your child from browsing or checking out ANY materials in the library’s collection.
Supervision of your child’s reading selections is solely your responsibility.
Parents/guardians are also responsible for their child’s safety and behavior while in the library and on library grounds.
Hotspot Lending Policy
In order to checkout Mobile Hotspots, patrons of the Hillsboro City Library must agree to and sign the Hillsboro City Library Hotspot Lending Policy, which can be found below.
In addition, a patron must have a library card in good standing for at least three months in order to check out a hotspot device.
Patrons must sign the form stating that "All items were in the box when I checked it out of the library" each time a hotspot device is checked out.
Hotspot Lending Policy:
I agree to comply with all of the following conditions:
I ___________________________________ (Print Full Name) agree to comply with all state and federal laws and the Hillsboro City Library Internet Acceptable use Policy, which may be found online at hillsborotxlibrary.org/policies.
I understand that any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Hotspot is accessed at my own discretion and risk. The Hillsboro City Library and City of Hillsboro do not control and are not responsible for any third-party websites, content, services or products that I may access or encounter during use of the Hotspot.
I will not violate any state or federal statue including those regarding obscenity, pornography, and the delivery of any such material to minors.
I acknowledge that the Internet and wireless communications are not inherently secure means of data communication and the Hillsboro City Library and City of Hillsboro shall have no liability for breaches of security beyond their reasonable control, including, without limitation, my negligence with respect to controlling access to the Service or my data. It is the sole responsibility of myself to obtain and implement appropriate security devices, software, and other measures (including without limitation firewalls) to protect my systems and data from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other security threats, and the Hillsboro City Library and City of Hillsboro have no responsibility or liability with regard thereto.
I understand that the Hotspot device comes with a built in filtering tool to block sites or content determined to be inappropriate in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). I understand that the content filtering tool is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate and can only filter pages accessed via the provider’s network (it does not filter emails, SMS, MMS, applications or anything else not accessed through a web browser). The content filtering tool does not work if the Hotspot is roaming or using Wi-Fi. I agree that the Hillsboro City Library and City of Hillsboro have no responsibility or liability with regard thereto.
I understand and accept that my failure to comply with this Hillsboro City Library Hotspot Lending Policy may result in the suspension of my Hotspot borrowing privileges or other appropriate legal action.
I understand that if I lose or damage the device, the replacement cost will be $124.95. Hotspots are checked out for a period of 14 days. The daily late fee will be $1.00 a day. I understand that service to the hotspot device will be turned off should it become overdue. I understand that the hotspot device shall NOT be returned via the book drop, but must be returned at the main circulation desk. I understand that returning the hotspot via the book drop will result in a $2.00 penalty.
Eligible Use:
By signing my name below I affirm that without this hotspot, provided by the Hillsboro City Library, I would lack access to internet equipment or services sufficient to meet my educational needs.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________
Acceptable Computer & Internet Use Policy
The Hillsboro City Library (HCL) provides public access to the Internet in keeping with its role of providing access to informational and popular interest resources. This policy applies to adults and minors.
Adults are able to use public computers in Adult service areas only.
Children, under the age of 16, are able to use public computers in Children service areas only.
HCL’s computer use policy complies with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]. However, Parents or legal guardians of minor children assume responsibility for deciding what library resources are appropriate for their children including access to the Internet. The library does not place age restrictions on access to information.
Library patrons use the Internet at their own risk. It may contain controversial material that some may find offensive.
The library does not monitor and has no control over the information on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.
Users should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding user’s activities. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by a user of the library’s computer or telecommunications equipment.
HCL will not release information on the use of Internet computers or specific websites accessed by members of the public, except as required by law or when necessary for the proper operation of the library.
Conditions of use:
Patrons must sign up for use of the library’s public access internet computers. A valid library card is preferred for accessing library computers. If you do not have a library card, you may request a guest pass.
Usage is provided in 90 minute blocks for adults, and 60 minute blocks for children. Patrons may request additional time if no one is waiting. Computers are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Headphones must be used if audio programming is accessed.
All copies made on the network printer must be paid for at the time of printing.
Materials copied from the Internet may be subject to copyright laws.
The use of HCL computing systems and facilities for any type of illegal activity may result in revocation of Internet use privileges, general library privileges and/or constitute grounds for civil or criminal prosecution.
Although a virus checker is used on computers, this program may not completely protect the patron from loading a virus onto a personal storage device. The library is not responsible for damage to a patron’s storage device or computer, or for any loss of data, any damage or any liability that may occur from use of a public access computer.
HCL prohibits the following:
Sending, receiving or displaying child pornography, obscene text or graphics or text or graphics harmful to minors.
Engaging in any activity that facilitates sending, receiving or displaying materials harmful to a minor.
Activities that disrupt the library or its network.
Loading or downloading software from the Internet to the computer hard drive, using personal software programs on the library’s computers, or saving personal documents or images on the computer hard drive.
Making any attempt to modify, gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others, seeking unauthorized access to the library’s or any other computer system or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
HCL’s network and equipment may not be used for illegal activity, to access illegal or obscene materials, or to display material that violates the provisions of sections 43.21, 43.22 and 43.24 of the Texas Penal Code which make display of obscene materials a criminal offense.
To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote all patrons’ safety and security when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Specifically, as required by CIPA, prohibited network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including hacking and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors.
No filter is 100% effective, and the library is not responsible should these protections prove ineffective or provide personally offensive information. Individual users must accept responsibility for determining the suitability of content for themselves or their children.
Wireless Policy
The Hillsboro City Library provides free wireless Internet access. The library does not provide technical support for wireless users.
Patrons need to be aware that the wireless network is not secure. Like many public wireless networks, information is not encrypted and is subject to electronic eavesdropping. Wireless users are responsible for providing security for their own equipment and electronic communications.
By using the wireless network you are agreeing to comply with the library’s policies concerning use of the Internet.
The library exercises no control over and will not be held responsible for user-supplied equipment or Internet content that users choose to access or create using personal equipment.
While the library strives to provide a quality wireless system, it cannot guarantee the signal quality, bandwidth availability, or general Internet site availability at any time.
The Hillsboro City Library’s Computer & Internet Safety & Use Policy works in addition to and in conjunction with the City of Hillsboro’s Acceptable Use Policy, which can be found at https://www.hillsborotx.org/acceptable-use-policy.
Interlibrary Loan Policy
The Hillsboro City Library provides a free Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service for patrons. If an item is not in the collection and it can be located from another library, HCL will attempt to borrow it. Simply make your request at the circulation desk.
After the loan is requested by library staff, it may take a week to ten days to receive the item. The items arrive to the library via mail. This free service is for patrons in good standing, meaning no late fees or overdue materials. HCL limits three items borrowed, via ILL, at one time per family. An adult patron must borrow items for a child. Library staff may confirm validity of contact information prior to approving an ILL request.
HCL respects all restrictions placed on materials by the lending library. ILL relies on consideration and goodwill between libraries. When ILL materials are not returned promptly, it reflects poorly on the borrowing library and some lenders may stop lending materials to the offending library.
The checkout time is established by the lending library. When the book is received by the Hillsboro City Library, it will be checked out on your account, and you will be notified it has arrived and of the assigned due date.
If the item is not picked up after the patron has been notified and becomes overdue, the book will be returned.
If more time is needed for an interlibrary loan, a request for extension will be made. A renewal should be requested before the due date. A renewal is not automatic. The lending library must agree to renewing the item and assign a new due date. Once approved, the Hillsboro City Library will contact the borrowing patron with the new due date. Some items are not renewable.
Textbooks are not allowed to be borrowed.
The patron is responsible for all fees that are charged by the lending library due to damage or loss of material. Unpaid fines and fees will go on a patron’s library record and if not resolved will result in the loss of borrowing privileges. ​
Meeting Room Policy
The meeting room may be used only during regular library hours. Any exception would have to be made by the Library Director. The group will be charged for staff’s overtime salary if any meeting lasts past regular library hours.
Reservations must be made at least seven (7) days prior to the event. Reservations can be made by contacting library staff at (254) 582 – 7385.
No smoking will be allowed in the building at any time.
No fee will be charged for the use of the room. However, if there is any damage to the room or any need for cleaning, the cost will be forwarded to the user.
The meeting room MAY NOT be used for the following activities:
- Religious Gatherings
- Meeting with sales involved
- Political Gatherings
- Family Reunions
- Birthday Parties
6. Donations to the library are accepted.
Social Media Policy
In keeping with the mission to offer all a place to lifelong learning and provide access to emerging technologies, Hillsboro City Library recognizes the value in social networking to connect with its library users by providing information and resources beyond the physical library. The library regards online social software information and interactions equal to other information resources at the library, and is meant to encourage conversations with staff and other library users.
Comments, posts and messages are welcome on the Hillsboro City Library social networking sites. Online interactions will be regularly monitored and reviewed for content and relevancy. The Library respects the public’s right to express opinions. However, any post or message with any of the following will be removed, and the poster barred from posting any further messages to the Hillsboro City Library social networking sites.
· Obscene or racist content
· Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
· Potentially libelous statements
· Plagiarized or copy-written material
· Private, personal information published without consent
· Comments unrelated to the content of the forum
· Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion
· Commercial promotions or spam
· Organized political or religious activity
· Photos or other images that fall into any of the above categories
Hillsboro City Library reserves the right to edit or modify postings or comments for space and content, while retaining the intent of the original post. The library reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts and messages in other public venues.
Animals in the Library Policy
The Hillsboro City Library prohibits bringing a pet (a domestic animal kept for pleasure or companionship) or animal to work or having a pet or animal in the Hillsboro City Library buildings and premises, with the exception of animals providing medically necessary support for the benefit of individuals with disabilities (service animals) or service animals in training as part of a service animal training program.
Exotic or wild animals are restricted from entering the Library although exceptions for special events or programs may be granted.
Animals may never be left unattended on Library premises.
This policy applies to all patrons, employees, temporary employees and volunteers of the Hillsboro City Library.
Service Animals
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are welcome in all areas of the library where members of the public are normally allowed to go. This policy also applies to service animal in training.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section, a service animal is an animal that is trained to do work or perform tasks for the purpose of assisting or accommodating a disabled person’s sensory, mental, or physical disability. The task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. Examples of work or tasks provided by a service animal include, but are not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals to an impending seizure or protecting individuals during one, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to the presence of people or sounds, pulling a wheelchair and fetching dropped items, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications or calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack.
The provision of emotional support, well-being, or companionship do not constitute work or meet the definition of a service animal under the ADA.
• If the need is not obvious, staff may ask if an animal is a pet or a service animal, and what task(s) the animal has been trained to perform. Users of service animals are not required to show papers to prove a disability or certification of the service animal’s status. Staff may not ask about the owner’s disability.
• The owner is solely responsible for the supervision and care of the service animal and must maintain full control of the animal at all times. Owners must keep the service animal with them at all times.
• Service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
• Reasonable behavior is expected from the service animals while at the Library. Owners of disruptive or aggressive service animals or service animals that are not housebroken may be asked to leave the Library. If this occurs, Library staff will give the person with the disability to opportunity to obtain Library services without having the service animal on the premises.
• Service animals are not permitted on Library chairs or other furniture. Owners are responsible for damage caused by their service animals.
• Library patrons and staff should not pet, talk to, or otherwise distract service animals while they are working.
• Patrons of the Library with allergies to or fear of a service animal may request assistance from Library staff to identify a different location to do their work. Allergies and fear of animals are not valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people with service animals.
• Misrepresenting a pet as a service animal may result in suspension of library privileges.
Public Displays Policy
The purpose for the display areas at Hillsboro City Library is to provide the public with information about educational, cultural and civic events. Displays are also used to highlight new materials, educate the public about the variety of subjects, genres, and formats offered, and to stimulate interest in the library collections, services, and resources.
Placement of materials on displays does not imply the Library's endorsement of ideas, opinions, or viewpoints expressed therein.
Exhibits and displays from outside entities will only be considered by non-profit, non-commercial, and non-partisan organizations which are considered to be in-line with the library’s mission of serving the cultural and civic needs of the community by inspiring and empowering everyone.
Library notices, brochures, and display materials are given highest priority.
The Hillsboro City Library reserves the right to refuse a display, notice, or handout which does not comply with the below policies and guidelines.
The following criteria will be considered when selecting or approving displays:
Format and style are suitable for intended audience (e.g. adult materials will not be included in displays in the children's area).
Appropriateness to seasonal events, holidays, etc.
Relation to current events.
Historical or regional relevance.
Relation to events in the community.
Relation to Library events and programming.
Representation of a genre, trend, or culture.
Interest of patrons and the public.
Guidelines for displays:
Themes and materials selected should fulfill the Library's mission to provide materials which meet patrons' interests and needs.
Materials should be in good condition.
Topical displays should represent the wide variety of viewpoints offered in the collections.
Displays should not promote a specific religion, political party, or cause.
Any signage included should clearly state the theme of the display.
Approval of displays:
Youth Services Librarian is responsible for Children's, Youth, and Teen displays.
An Assistant Library Director is responsible for Adult and Genealogy displays.
Final approval of all displays lies with the Library Director.
Patrons who request the reconsideration of library display materials will be asked to follow the procedures concerning reconsideration of library materials as outlined in the Challenged Materials Process in the Hillsboro City Library Collection Development Policy.
Bulletin Boards
Notices will be posted in designated areas only and with the approval of the Library staff.
Only notices which announce or promote civic, educational, or cultural events or activities will be allowed.
Notices/messages that convey personal opinion, or are for private benefit, including, but not limited to, for sale signs, yard sale notices, or lost pet announcements will not be posted.
Acceptable items include but are not limited to:
Fundraising events sponsored by nonprofit groups or organizations
Civic, educational, religious or recreational events
Notices of events sponsored by established cultural groups
Unacceptable items include but are not limited to:
Advertisements selling or giving away items or services by individuals
Any business or for profit advertising, including free services
Garage/yard sale notices
Any notice of partisan politics or religious tracts
The Library is not responsible for flyers removed prematurely by members of the public.
All notices must be dated, and items may be removed after the event’s date or two weeks.
Brochure Rack
Non-library brochures will only be displayed in the brochure rack and only with the approval of the Library staff.
There will be a monthly review of the brochures in the brochure rack.
Only brochures which announce or promote civic, educational, or cultural events or activities will be allowed.
Brochures that convey personal opinion, or are for private benefit, including, but not limited to, menu guides, visitor information brochures, or business brochures will not be allowed.
The Library does not have space for storage of approved brochures and will not be responsible for restocking racks.
The Hillsboro City Library, in partnership with the Friends of Hillsboro City Library, hosts a StoryWalk at Hillsboro City Park.
The StoryWalk displays children’s books, selected by the Youth Services Librarian, on behalf of the Friends of Hillsboro City Library.
The StoryWalk, and its display cases may only be used to showcase Hillsboro City Library or Friends of Hillsboro City Library sponsored activities.
Outside entities may not select stories or place advertisements in the StoryWalk display cases.
Memorial & Gift Policy
The library has a designated account with the City of Hillsboro to maintain memorial and gift funds to receive and facilitate the handling of cash gifts to the library.
The Library Director will send a letter of acknowledgement to the person or the family of the person being honored or memorialized.
A donor may have the privilege of designating his gift to any particular area of interest or project.
General Objectives
The general objectives of the Hillsboro City Library are:
To promote enlightened citizenship.
To enrich personal lives.
To encourage continuous self-education.
To seek to identify community needs.
To assume a leadership role in the community.
To support the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement.
To assemble, preserve, and administer books and related materials.
To serve the community as a center of reliable information.
To provide free service to the community.
Statement of Library Services
The library provides books and materials for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and enrichment of the people of the community. It endeavors to:
Select, organize, and make available necessary books and materials.
Provide guidance and assistance to borrowers.
Initiate programs, exhibits, book lists, etc.
Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations.
Secure information beyond its own resources when requested.
Lend to other libraries upon request.
Provide special services to nonresidents, disadvantaged, the blind, hospital patients, etc.
Maintain a balance in its services to various age groups.
Cooperate with school district and college libraries.
Provide service during hours which best meet the needs of the community.
Periodically review library service being offered.
Disseminate knowledge, promote interest in, and encourage study and research of local history and genealogy.
Storytime Policy
Family storytime at the Hillsboro City Library is a weekly program that offers young families a unique opportunity for group interaction and provides a rich learning environment for child development through stories, music, movement, and play.
The goal of storytime is to encourage the development of early literacy skills. Early literacy is what a child knows about reading and writing before they can read or write. Developing language and literacy skills begins at birth through everyday interactions, such as sharing books, telling stories, singing songs and talking to one another. Developing these skills increases the likelihood of success once a child enters school. Storytime is one of many early literacy activities available to users of the Hillsboro City Library.
Storytimes are for children of all ages and their caregivers. Storytimes last approximately 30 minutes and typically include songs, movement activities, an art activity, and books. Storytimes are led by the Youth Services Librarian or their designee. Families are welcome to come early and stay after storytime to make use of the library’s early learning play area to socialize with other families. Caregivers must remain with their child for the duration of the program.
Parent or caregiver engagement during storytime is the key to success. Children are more likely to participate and enjoy storytime if their caregiver is as well.
The library asks that cell phones are silenced and put away during the program. Social time, before and after storytime, is the perfect opportunity to interact and speak with other parents and caregivers.
Guest Readers:
On occasion, the library will bring in a guest reader to cover a specific cultural topic of interest; this may be a community leader, such as a fireman, a dentist, a local teacher or other entity that aligns with the storytime’s theme. The library reaches out to guest readers directly. The library does not accept solicitations for guest readings.
The Youth Services Librarian selects all materials to be read by guest readers out of the library’s collection. If a guest reader wishes to bring their own materials, the material must match the theme of the storytime, be in accordance with the library’s Collection Development Policy and receive prior approval from the Library Director upon recommendation from the Youth Services Librarian.
Volunteer Policy & Handbook
The Hillsboro City Library welcomes the voluntary assistance of community members. The Library uses the services of volunteers to supplement the efforts of paid Library staff in meeting community demand for Library resources and in providing high quality customer service. Volunteers are expected to follow Library and City of Hillsboro policies. Volunteering offers citizens a way to give back to their community, fulfill personal goals and achieve a sense of satisfaction all while learning about the Library. This policy and handbook are designed to help volunteers be successful while volunteering their time at the Hillsboro City Library.
Definition of a Volunteer
A volunteer is someone who freely offers their time, energy and talents to the Hillsboro City Library. Volunteers do not replace paid staff, but enhance and extended their services. Volunteers are not considered employees of the City of Hillsboro or the Library. Volunteers are not financially compensated for their time. Library staff may not volunteer.
Requirements for Volunteering
Volunteers must complete a volunteer application (attached). Generally, the Library will not accept volunteers under the age of 14. Teen Volunteers will be aged 14 to 17 years old. Volunteers under 18 must have parental permission to volunteer at the Library and cannot work more than four (4) hours per day. Adult Library volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Criminal background checks will be conducted for adult Library volunteers. All volunteers must be accepted by the Library prior to volunteering. The Library may not accept every volunteer request. Volunteers will be accepted on their qualifications in relation to the needs of the Library.
Community Service Restitution Volunteers
The Hillsboro City Library does not accept court ordered community service workers; except for special projects approved by the Library Director.
Equal Volunteering Opportunity
It is the policy of the City of Hillsboro to prohibit discrimination against or harassment of any person in volunteer selection. As such, volunteers will be recruited without regard to any individual’s age, gender, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, level of education or any other characteristic.
Volunteer placement shall be at will so that either party may terminate the volunteer relationship at any time with or without cause. Volunteers enter into this relationship of their own free will and understand that they will not be financially compensated for the hours they volunteer. In the event of a paid position opening at the library, volunteers who apply for the position will be evaluated for hire on the same basis as other external applicants.
Confidential Information
The Library has an obligation to patrons to maintain confidentiality and respect privacy. Volunteer tasks may not include any work which allows access to patron records or other documents that may be subject to privacy laws. However, as volunteers work, they may see information of a confidential nature. This information is not to be shared with anyone else including family, friends or acquaintances. Library volunteers will not remove or make copies of any records, reports or documents from the Library.
Volunteers should arrange their schedule in advance with the Youth Services Librarian. Volunteers may only volunteer during special events or regular operating hours. Volunteers have tasks prepared for them by Library staff. As such, it is important for the Library to know if a volunteer is unable to come in during their scheduled time. As a courtesy, volunteers should call when they are not going to be able to make their scheduled time.
Customer Service
Volunteers will come into contact with Library users. Therefore, volunteers should have a positive customer service-oriented attitude Volunteers may be the first contact a user has with the Library. As such, it is important that volunteers maintain a professional and friendly appearance and demeanor. All user questions, other than directional, should be referred to a Library staff member.
Signing-In and Out
Volunteers must always sign-in and sign-out before leaving. This information is important so that the Library may recognize outstanding volunteer service and provide statistical data required for grant proposals and agencies such as the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Harassment / Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of the City of Hillsboro to provide and maintain a work environment that is free from sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and intimidation. All volunteers are expected to comply with this policy. Failure to do so will result in immediate termination of volunteer duties and the inability to volunteer for the Hillsboro City Library in the future.
The Hillsboro City Library prohibits all forms of discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of age, gender, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, level of education or any other characteristic. It is the policy of Hillsboro City Library to provide a work environment free of harassment.
Allegations of harassment will be investigated and, if warranted, appropriate action will be taken. Volunteers who believe they have been subjected to harassment should report the incident(s) to the Library Director.
It is the policy of the City of Hillsboro to make every effort to provide healthful and safe working conditions for all of its volunteers. Volunteers are responsible for conducting their activities in a manner that is protective of their own health and safety, as well as those of City employees and other volunteers. The City of Hillsboro is not responsible for injuries or damages sustained while volunteering.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
The Hillsboro City Library is committed to maintaining a drug and alcohol-free workplace. If a volunteer is found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while volunteering for the Library, their volunteer position will be terminated.
Dress Code
While volunteering at the Hillsboro City Library, volunteers are expected to follow the City of Hillsboro Professional Appearance Policy.
While the City does not have a formal dress code, persons representing the City in a volunteer capacity are expected to present a professional appearance by observing the following guidelines:
Clothing must be worn that is clean and appropriate to the task being performed to avoid creating a safety hazard.
Clothing that could be considered vulgar or offensive, either in style or in the language or the pictures/symbols printed on the clothing, is prohibited.
A tattoo that is vulgar or offensive must be covered at all times while the volunteer is on duty.
Please demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. Volunteers who appear at the Library inappropriately dressed will be sent home. Courtesy to coworkers and your volunteer image to our community should be the factors that are used to assess that you are dressing in casual attire that is appropriate.
Volunteers must wear a volunteer I.D. badge while volunteering.