“Let’s Play! Together” is a five-week program for toddlers and their parents/caregivers. This fun, informal, play-based program provides a rich environment of toys, books and art activities. Families have the opportunity to spend time together, make new friends, and talk one-on-one with a different community resource professional each week.
Children must be between the ages 1 - 3 years old. Registration is required.
Let’s Play! Together starts at 10AM every Thursday in August.
In order to register for the Let’s Play! Together program, please fill out this online form. If you have any questions about Family Place or the “Let’s Play! Together” program, please contact our Youth Services Librarian, at (254) 582-7385.
Sign up Form: https://forms.office.com/r/cFV43VBHuS
Family Place Libraries is a nationwide network of libraries that specializes in developing age-appropriate programming that supports the importance of play and healthy parent/child relationships in early childhood development and learning. The Hillsboro City Library is a proud member of this nationwide network of libraries that includes more than 450 libraries across the United States.
For more information on the Family Place Libraries initiative please visit the Family Place Libraries website. https://www.familyplacelibraries.org/
