Help Connect Our Roots to the Future
One Square Foot at a Time
The Hillsboro City Library is growing! In depth plans are underway for an expansion and renovation of the library's existing historic facility. The historic Hillsboro City Library has been a source of pride in the Hillsboro community since opening in 1971. Over these many years, the library has grown in users and services offered. The library and staff constantly strive to meet the ever changing needs of this amazing community and its citizenry. As Hillsboro grows, so too must the library. In order continue the library’s legacy of providing access to a variety of quality information resources and programming for young and old, the library needs your help in Connecting Our Roots to the Future by expanding and renovating this beloved downtown treasure. The Friends of Hillsboro City Library are fundraising the remaining funds necessary to complete the project. To date, almost $4,000,000 has been secured for the expansion project. This money will go a long way towards building the expanded library and conference center, but does not quite meet the needed amount. The Friends of Hillsboro City Library is seeking your help in raising the remaining funds needed by building one square foot of the library at a time. Your donation of $400.00, or more, will help secure the library’s ability to complete this project. All donations at the $400.00, or higher, level will be recognized on the library’s donor wall. Donations can be made online via PayPal or via check or money order at the library.
For information on Naming Opportunities, please contact the library at (254) 582-7385 or visit online here. If desired, donations may be paid over time. An in depth covering of the renovation and expansion project can be found here on the library’s website. Thank you for your consideration.

Susan S. Mann Roberta C. Skelton Library Director President Ben Cowan Sharon Fitch Vice President Secretary Dee Ann Dent Judy Fowler Charles Eaton Stephen Smith
