To close out their 2024 Summer Reading Program, the Hillsboro City Library held a pizza party for their top 10 readers of the summer. Readers are split into three groups by age, with the Early Literacy readers logging the number of books read, while the Children’s and Teen’s groups log the number of minutes spent reading. This summer, the Hillsboro City Library reading goal was 50,000 minutes. Readers went above and beyond by reading 56,432 minutes and a total of 2,709 books during the months of June and July!
As readers log their books and minutes on Beanstack, they are awarded virtual tickets that they are then able to put towards prize drawings that take place at the end of the summer. Each of the top 10 readers were prize-winners and were given their prizes at the pizza party.
Also in attendance were two representatives from Congressman Jake Ellzey’s office, Sarah Faust and Julia Hester, to present the top readers with Congressional Certificates of Recognition for a job well done.